Source: Gizmodo

Here's What Protects Shipwrecks From Looters and Hacks

(United States of America)

George Dvorsky (2018). Here's What Protects Shipwrecks From Looters and Hacks. Gizmodo. 27 March.

Shipwreck Scavengers Reportedly Dumped Remains of WWII Sailors in Mass Grave

(Indonesia; United Kingdom)

George Dvorsky (2018). Shipwreck Scavengers Reportedly Dumped Remains of WWII Sailors in Mass Grave. Gizmodo. 23 January.

Huge Collection of Nazi Artifacts Discovered Inside Secret Room in Argentina


Matt Novak (2017). Huge Collection of Nazi Artifacts Discovered Inside Secret Room in Argentina. Gizmodo. 20 June.

World War II Shipwrecks Are Vanishing at a Disturbing Rate

(Malaysia; Netherlands; Japan)

George Dvorsky (2017). World War II Shipwrecks Are Vanishing at a Disturbing Rate. Gizmodo. 10 February.

Nobody Knows If These Nazi Home Movies Were Lost, Stolen or Destroyed at the National Archives

(Germany; United States of America)

Matt Novak (2016). Nobody Knows If These Nazi Home Movies Were Lost, Stolen or Destroyed at the National Archives. Gizmodo. 3 November.

Rare Indian Burial Ground Quietly Destroyed for Million Dollar Houses

(United States of America)

Sarah Zhang (2016). Rare Indian Burial Ground Quietly Destroyed for Million Dollar Houses. Gizmodo. 27 May.

Brazil Would Like Its Four Legged Snake Fossil Back


Maddie Stone (2015). Brazil Would Like Its Four Legged Snake Fossil Back. Gizmodo. 4 August.