Da Chicago a Trani: la Diocesi recupera 109 pergamene antiche

(From Chicago to Trani: the diocese recovers 109 ancient parchments)

Alessandra Vacca (2015). Da Chicago a Trani: la Diocesi recupera 109 pergamene antiche. Trani Viva. 29 October.

Title Da Chicago a Trani: la Diocesi recupera 109 pergamene antiche
Title (translated) From Chicago to Trani: the diocese recovers 109 ancient parchments
Publication Date 29th Oct 2015
Source Trani Viva
Country Italy
Region Europe
Art type Documents
Subject Return
Comments The documents were stolen in the 70s and 80s from libraries and archives.
Link http://www.traniviva.it/notizie/riconsegnate-109-pergamene-alla-diocesi-ieri-l-incontro-al-museo-diocesano/
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20160227124333/http://www.westerndailypress.co.uk/Police-hunt-owners-600-pieces-artwork-recovered/story-28274150-detail/story.html