What do auction house private sales mean for collectors and the art market?

Anna Brady (2016). What do auction house private sales mean for collectors and the art market?. Apollo. 4 August.

Title What do auction house private sales mean for collectors and the art market?
Publication Date 4th Aug 2016
Source Apollo
Country General
Region General
Art type Art
Subject Market
Comments This involves the "auction house accepting a work on consignment, often for several months and, instead of offering it at public auction, approaching potential buyers discreetly".
Link http://www.apollo-magazine.com/what-do-auction-house-private-sales-mean-for-collectors-and-the-art-market/
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20160805191352/http://www.apollo-magazine.com/what-do-auction-house-private-sales-mean-for-collectors-and-the-art-market/