$60 mil lost due to illegal logging by Guats over 174 square miles of Belize

Adele Ramos (2015). $60 mil lost due to illegal logging by Guats over 174 square miles of Belize. Amandala. 19 December.

Title $60 mil lost due to illegal logging by Guats over 174 square miles of Belize
Publication Date 19th Dec 2015
Source Amandala
Country Belize, Guatemala
Region Americas
Art type Wildlife, Antiquities
Subject Theft, Threat, Preservation
Comments A feature on all sorts of trans-border crime in Belize, including antiquities.
Link http://amandala.com.bz/news/60-mil-lost-due-illegal-logging-guats-174-square-miles-belize/
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20151220074046/http://amandala.com.bz/news/60-mil-lost-due-illegal-logging-guats-174-square-miles-belize/