Uttarakhand jeweller who was in cahoots with gang lands in Chandigarh police net

Hindustan Times (2018). Uttarakhand jeweller who was in cahoots with gang lands in Chandigarh police net. Hindustan Times. 23 April.

Title Uttarakhand jeweller who was in cahoots with gang lands in Chandigarh police net
Publication Date 23rd Apr 2018
Source Hindustan Times
Country India
Region South and East Asia
Art type Antiquities, Sacred Art
Subject Theft, Arrest
Link https://www.hindustantimes.com/punjab/uttarakhand-jeweller-who-was-in-cahoots-with-gang-lands-in-ut-police-net/story-MfkPDHtGHZjK4M9HvwqdaN.html
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20180428181716/https://www.hindustantimes.com/punjab/uttarakhand-jeweller-who-was-in-cahoots-with-gang-lands-in-ut-police-net/story-MfkPDHtGHZjK4M9HvwqdaN.html