Wreck of Nazi ship believed to have been carrying priceless stolen artwork when it was sunk in 1943 by a submarine attack is discovered close to Crimea

Fionn Hargreaves (2017). Wreck of Nazi ship believed to have been carrying priceless stolen artwork when it was sunk in 1943 by a submarine attack is discovered close to Crimea. The Daily Mail. 28 April.

Title Wreck of Nazi ship believed to have been carrying priceless stolen artwork when it was sunk in 1943 by a submarine attack is discovered close to Crimea
Publication Date 28th Apr 2017
Source The Daily Mail
Country Russia, Ukraine, Germany
Region Europe
Art type Underwater, Art
Subject Theft
Comments Well, maybe it was. It's a Daily Mail story so hard to pick much out of this.
Link http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4454746/Nazi-ship-wreck-carried-art-close-Crimea.html
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