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Greece Lifts Long Ban on Divers Exploring Old Shipwrecks, Planes


The National Herald (2021). Greece Lifts Long Ban on Divers Exploring Old Shipwrecks, Planes. The National Herald. 26 March.

The Oldest Evidence of Life on Earth is Being Stolen


Nala Rogers (2021). The Oldest Evidence of Life on Earth is Being Stolen. Inside Science. 26 March.

Trujillo: delincuentes roban objetos religiosos por más de 10.000 soles


Trujillo: criminals steal religious objects worth more than 10,000 soles

Javier Meregildo (2021). Trujillo: delincuentes roban objetos religiosos por más de 10.000 soles. La República. 26 March.

Two Thai artifacts in a San Francisco museum were stolen. Now, they're on their way home

(Thailand; United States of America)

Jennifer Lu (2021). Two Thai artifacts in a San Francisco museum were stolen. Now, they're on their way home. Los Angeles Times. 26 March.

La diplomacia de las reliquias: antiguos tesoros saqueados vuelven a sus verdaderos dueños


Relic diplomacy: ancient looted treasures returned to their true owners

Ramiro Pellet Lastra (2021). La diplomacia de las reliquias: antiguos tesoros saqueados vuelven a sus verdaderos dueños. La Nacion. 26 March.

This is a Robbery: The World's Biggest Art Heist, Netflix's courageous effort to recreate the incident creates a sensation

(United States of America)

Devendra Kumar (2021). This is a Robbery: The World's Biggest Art Heist, Netflix's courageous effort to recreate the incident creates a sensation. Bullet News. 26 March.

3 students cited in theft of rare tree in Wisconsin

(United States of America)

KGMI (2021). 3 students cited in theft of rare tree in Wisconsin. KGMI. 26 March.

Antonine Wall metal detectorists sought by police

(United Kingdom)

Alison Campsie (2021). Antonine Wall metal detectorists sought by police. The Scotsman. 26 March.

Arte sacro: patrimonio en riesgo


Sacred art: heritage at risk

Sonia Ávila (2021). Arte sacro: patrimonio en riesgo. El Sol de México. 26 March.

Ancient lintels coming home

(Thailand; United States of America)

Ploenpote Atthakor (2021). Ancient lintels coming home. Bangkok Post. 26 March.