Race to save priceless artefacts from the sunken HMS Victory after looters target its two nearest wrecks in the English Channel

David Wilkes (2015). Race to save priceless artefacts from the sunken HMS Victory after looters target its two nearest wrecks in the English Channel. The Daily Mail. 17 July.

Title Race to save priceless artefacts from the sunken HMS Victory after looters target its two nearest wrecks in the English Channel
Publication Date 17th Jul 2015
Source The Daily Mail
Country United Kingdom
Region Europe
Art type Underwater
Subject Threat
Comments A warning from archaeologists that wrecks near the HMS Victory have been looted and she might be looted as well...
Link http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3164584/Race-save-priceless-artefacts-sunken-HMS-Victory-looters-target-two-nearest-wrecks-English-Channel.html
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20150721063202/http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3164584/Race-save-priceless-artefacts-sunken-HMS-Victory-looters-target-two-nearest-wrecks-English-Channel.html