Lambayeque: difunden en Panamá hallazgo de tumba intacta de Señor de Sipán

(Lambayeque: Recreation in Panama the site of the intact tomb of the Lord of Sipán)

RPP (2015). Lambayeque: difunden en Panamá hallazgo de tumba intacta de Señor de Sipán. RPP. 19 December.

Title Lambayeque: difunden en Panamá hallazgo de tumba intacta de Señor de Sipán
Title (translated) Lambayeque: Recreation in Panama the site of the intact tomb of the Lord of Sipán
Publication Date 19th Dec 2015
Source RPP
Country Peru, Panama
Region Americas
Art type Antiquities
Subject Museums
Comments Panama is interested in a reproduction of the famous looted tomb of the Lord of Sipán. Interesting that the ex-Consul General to the US from Panama was involved in trafficking Sipán items.