Turkish jubilation over recovery of ancient sarcophagus; Smuggled treasure is coming home

Hugh Pope (1994). Turkish jubilation over recovery of ancient sarcophagus; Smuggled treasure is coming home. The Independent. 27 April.

Title Turkish jubilation over recovery of ancient sarcophagus; Smuggled treasure is coming home
Publication Date 27th Apr 1994
Source The Independent
Country Turkey, United States of America
Region West and Central Asia, Americas
Art type Antiquities
Subject Theft, Return
Comments The person in possession of the looted piece was able to donate it for a tax break prior to its return to Turkey.
Link https://www-nexis-com.ezproxy.lib.gla.ac.uk/results/enhdocview.do?docLinkInd=true&ersKey=23_T24857974394&format=GNBFI&startDocNo=0&resultsUrlKey=0_T24857974396&backKey=20_T24857974397&csi=8200&docNo=3
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