Robo al Museo Arqueológico del Huila, un caso que quedó en la impunidad

(Robbery of the Archaeological museum of Huila, a case that has gone unpunished)

Laura Marcela Perdomo (2015). Robo al Museo Arqueológico del Huila, un caso que quedó en la impunidad. Diario del Huila. 21 September.

Title Robo al Museo Arqueológico del Huila, un caso que quedó en la impunidad
Title (translated) Robbery of the Archaeological museum of Huila, a case that has gone unpunished
Publication Date 21st Sep 2015
Source Diario del Huila
Country Colombia
Region Americas
Art type Antiquities
Subject Theft
Comments A large number of gold artefacts were taken in this theft which has never been solved.