Honduras condena a salvadoreño por robo de patrimonio religioso

(Honduras sentences a Salvadorian for theft of religious heritage)

EFE (2014). Honduras condena a salvadoreño por robo de patrimonio religioso. ElSalvador.com. 27 November.

Title Honduras condena a salvadoreño por robo de patrimonio religioso
Title (translated) Honduras sentences a Salvadorian for theft of religious heritage
Publication Date 27th Nov 2014
Source ElSalvador.com
Country Honduras, El Salvador
Region Americas
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Theft, Conviction
Comments The theft occurred at the church of San Sebastián in San Sebastián and is considered an aggravated theft as, I think, all theft of cultural patrimony is in Honduras. The man was caught taking 12 church items.
Link http://www.elsalvador.com/mwedh/nota/nota_completa.asp?idCat=47654&idArt=9278082
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20150526163555/http://www.elsalvador.com/mwedh/nota/nota_completa.asp?idCat=47654&idArt=9278082