Why it's all right to be more horrified by the razing of Palmyra than mass murder

Julian Baggini (2015). Why it's all right to be more horrified by the razing of Palmyra than mass murder. The Guardian. 24 August.

Title Why it's all right to be more horrified by the razing of Palmyra than mass murder
Publication Date 24th Aug 2015
Source The Guardian
Country Syria
Region West and Central Asia
Art type Antiquities
Subject Destruction
Comments You know, I don't think it is.
Link http://www.theguardian.com/culture/2015/aug/24/razing-palmyra-mass-murder-isis
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20150825075110/http://www.theguardian.com/culture/2015/aug/24/razing-palmyra-mass-murder-isis