वराह मंदिर से पांच सौ साल पुरानी पत्थर की प्रतिमा चोरी

(Stone idol of the God Varaha stolen last night from temple)

Manoj Tiwari (2017). वराह मंदिर से पांच सौ साल पुरानी पत्थर की प्रतिमा चोरी. News 18. 2 October.

Title वराह मंदिर से पांच सौ साल पुरानी पत्थर की प्रतिमा चोरी
Title (translated) Stone idol of the God Varaha stolen last night from temple
Publication Date 2nd Oct 2017
Source News 18
Country India
Region South and East Asia
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Theft
Comments Villagers noticed the theft of the 500 year old statue the same night, finding the temple door ajar when returning from the field.
Link https://hindi.news18.com/news/rajasthan/tonk-stone-idol-of-god-varaha-was-stolen-last-night-from-temple-1125200.html
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20171002102624/https://hindi.news18.com/news/rajasthan/tonk-stone-idol-of-god-varaha-was-stolen-last-night-from-temple-1125200.html