Outrage at unprovoked vandalism of ancient tree

The Northland Age (2016). Outrage at unprovoked vandalism of ancient tree. The Northland Age. 6 December.

Title Outrage at unprovoked vandalism of ancient tree
Publication Date 6th Dec 2016
Source The Northland Age
Country New Zealand
Region Oceania
Art type Wildlife
Subject Destruction
Comments A dispute between St. Saviour's church and Heritage NZ has arisen over the "damage" done to what some consider to be a historically significant tree outside the church vicarage. However, it seems the church did their due diligence to ensure the tree was not on a historically protected list.
Link http://www.nzherald.co.nz/northland-age/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503402&objectid=11761192
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