Source: Vanity Fair

Does Netflix's This Is a Robbery Solve a 30-Year-Old Art Heist Mystery?

(United States of America)

Lisa Liebman (2021). Does Netflix's This Is a Robbery Solve a 30-Year-Old Art Heist Mystery?. Vanity Fair. 9 April.

The Art Market's Modigliani Forgery Epidemic


Milton Esterow (2017). The Art Market's Modigliani Forgery Epidemic. Vanity Fair. 1 May.

The Battle for Picasso's Multi-Billion-Dollar Empire


Milton Esterow (2016). The Battle for Picasso's Multi-Billion-Dollar Empire. Vanity Fair. 7 March.

6 Amazing Oscar Heists and 5 Happy Endings


Olivia Rutigliano (2016). 6 Amazing Oscar Heists and 5 Happy Endings. Vanity Fair. 19 February.

The Lawsuit Over Katy Perry's Met Gala Dress Proceeds to Trial

(United States of America)

Richard Lawson (2016). The Lawsuit Over Katy Perry's Met Gala Dress Proceeds to Trial. Vanity Fair. 15 January.

Arte, millones y bajas pasiones: la historia del robo del Códice Calixtino


Art, millions, and lusts: the story of the theft of The Codex Calixtinus

Eva Lamarca (2015). Arte, millones y bajas pasiones: la historia del robo del Códice Calixtino. Vanity Fair. 4 December.