Desaparecen dos reliquias religiosas de la parroquia de Berja de «gran valor afectivo»

(Two religious relics "of great emotional value" disappear from the parish of Berja)

María Torres (2015). Desaparecen dos reliquias religiosas de la parroquia de Berja de «gran valor afectivo». Ideal. 27 August.

Title Desaparecen dos reliquias religiosas de la parroquia de Berja de «gran valor afectivo»
Title (translated) Two religious relics "of great emotional value" disappear from the parish of Berja
Publication Date 27th Aug 2015
Source Ideal
Country Spain
Region Europe
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Theft
Comments No one has seen the objects since Monday and they are presumed stolen. Security in the churches are poor.