Ahir for rules to stop melting of ancient coins

TNN (2016). Ahir for rules to stop melting of ancient coins. The Times of India. 16 January.

Title Ahir for rules to stop melting of ancient coins
Publication Date 16th Jan 2016
Source The Times of India
Country India
Region South and East Asia
Art type Antiquities
Subject Destruction
Comments I think we can all get behind Nagpur's Minister of state for chemicals and fertilizers Hansraj Ahir: melting ancient coins is a bad thing.
Link http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/nagpur/Ahir-for-rules-to-stop-melting-of-ancient-coins/articleshow/50597721.cms
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20160116103114/http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/nagpur/Ahir-for-rules-to-stop-melting-of-ancient-coins/articleshow/50597721.cms?