Why so little of Hong Kong's underwater heritage has been preserved

South China Morning Post (2016). Why so little of Hong Kong's underwater heritage has been preserved. South China Morning Post. 3 October.

Title Why so little of Hong Kong's underwater heritage has been preserved
Publication Date 3rd Oct 2016
Source South China Morning Post
Country Hong Kong
Region South and East Asia
Art type Underwater
Subject Threat, Preservation
Comments Development, not looting, is blamed for poor preservation of underwater heritage and it is suggested that diving be encouraged.
Link http://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/article/2023605/hong-kongs-underwater-archaeologists-call-deeper-government-support
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20161003060217/http://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/article/2023605/hong-kongs-underwater-archaeologists-call-deeper-government-support