Dispute over Venetian painting seized by Vichy regime resolved after more than 70 years

Anny Shaw (2015). Dispute over Venetian painting seized by Vichy regime resolved after more than 70 years. The Art Newspaper. 19 October.

Title Dispute over Venetian painting seized by Vichy regime resolved after more than 70 years
Publication Date 19th Oct 2015
Source The Art Newspaper
Country France, United Kingdom, Italy
Region Europe
Art type Art
Subject Restitution
Comments The painting was seized from the Jaffé collection in 1942.
Link http://theartnewspaper.com/market/art-market-news/160355/
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20151020101028/http://theartnewspaper.com/market/art-market-news/160355/