Ritrovati tre quadri rubati a Roma nel 1983: "Opere di valore inestimabile"

(Three paintings stolen from Rome in 1983 recovered: Priceless works)

Roma Today (2016). Ritrovati tre quadri rubati a Roma nel 1983: "Opere di valore inestimabile". Roma Today. 14 October.

Title Ritrovati tre quadri rubati a Roma nel 1983: "Opere di valore inestimabile"
Title (translated) Three paintings stolen from Rome in 1983 recovered: Priceless works
Publication Date 14th Oct 2016
Source Roma Today
Country Italy
Region Europe
Art type Art
Subject Return, Raid or Seizure
Comments They surfaced in the region of "the Black Sea" (no specifics offered) and were recovered by the Carabinieri.
Link http://www.romatoday.it/cronaca/quadri-rubati-roma-1983.html
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20161017164422/http://www.romatoday.it/cronaca/quadri-rubati-roma-1983.html