Who owns the wreckage of the San José, and what should be done with it?

Giles Richardson (2016). Who owns the wreckage of the San José, and what should be done with it?. Apollo. 4 January.

Title Who owns the wreckage of the San José, and what should be done with it?
Publication Date 4th Jan 2016
Source Apollo
Country Colombia, Peru, Panama, Spain
Region Americas, Europe
Art type Underwater
Subject Return, Lawsuit
Comments Everyone wants a piece of the treasures of the Spanish Main, but what is best for preserving the past?
Link https://www.apollo-magazine.com/who-owns-the-wreckage-of-the-san-jose-and-what-should-be-done-with-it/
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20160105090914/https://www.apollo-magazine.com/who-owns-the-wreckage-of-the-san-jose-and-what-should-be-done-with-it/