Tacna: Desconocidos vuelven a profanar huaca San Antonio y se llevan vestigios pre incas

(Tacna: Unknown people desecrate huaca San Antonio again and takepre-Inca remains)

Redacción Multimedia (2016). Tacna: Desconocidos vuelven a profanar huaca San Antonio y se llevan vestigios pre incas. Diario Correo. 15 August.

Title Tacna: Desconocidos vuelven a profanar huaca San Antonio y se llevan vestigios pre incas
Title (translated) Tacna: Unknown people desecrate huaca San Antonio again and takepre-Inca remains
Publication Date 15th Aug 2016
Source Diario Correo
Country Peru
Region Americas
Art type Sacred Art, Human Remains
Subject Theft
Comments Yet another looting incident at Huaca San Antonio, less than six weeks after the last. This time a mummy was dumped.
Link http://diariocorreo.pe/edicion/tacna/tacna-desconocidos-vuelven-a-profanar-huaca-san-antonio-y-se-llevan-vestigios-pre-incas-691570/3
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20160816065353/http://diariocorreo.pe/edicion/tacna/tacna-desconocidos-vuelven-a-profanar-huaca-san-antonio-y-se-llevan-vestigios-pre-incas-691570/3/