Entregan pinturas interpretativas de obras robadas en Antigua

(Interpretive paintings of stolen paintings arrive in Antigua)

Miguel Lopez (2015). Entregan pinturas interpretativas de obras robadas en Antigua. Prensa Libre. 6 February.

Title Entregan pinturas interpretativas de obras robadas en Antigua
Title (translated) Interpretive paintings of stolen paintings arrive in Antigua
Publication Date 6th Feb 2015
Source Prensa Libre
Country Guatemala
Region Americas
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Theft
Comments A year after the tragic theft of 18th century paintings by Tomás de Merlo from a Guatemalan church, modern artists have provided replacements. They are not copies, but are personal interpretations of the themes.
Link http://www.prensalibre.com/sacatepequez/Sacatepequez-Antigua_Guatemala-cuadros-Tomas-Merlo_0_1298870238.html
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20150210132643/http://www.prensalibre.com/sacatepequez/Sacatepequez-Antigua_Guatemala-cuadros-Tomas-Merlo_0_1298870238.html