Exploring the gray area between cultural appreciation and appropriation in Juneau

Lisa Phu (2016). Exploring the gray area between cultural appreciation and appropriation in Juneau. Juneau Empire. 13 August.

Title Exploring the gray area between cultural appreciation and appropriation in Juneau
Publication Date 13th Aug 2016
Source Juneau Empire
Country United States of America
Region Americas
Art type Art
Subject Theft
Comments Native tattoos on non natives? Is that ok? Carvings? Art inspiration? This article explores where lines are and aren't drawn.
Link http://juneauempire.com/local/2016-08-13/exploring-gray-area-between-cultural-appreciation-and-appropriation-juneau
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20160814083117/http://juneauempire.com/local/2016-08-13/exploring-gray-area-between-cultural-appreciation-and-appropriation-juneau