Buscan recuperar más de 50.000 piezas de arte

(Seeking to recover more than 50,000 artworks)

Opinión (2015). Buscan recuperar más de 50.000 piezas de arte. Opinión. 11 April.

Title Buscan recuperar más de 50.000 piezas de arte
Title (translated) Seeking to recover more than 50,000 artworks
Publication Date 11th Apr 2015
Source Opinión
Country Bolivia
Region Americas
Art type Sacred Art, Art, Antiquities
Subject Theft, Return
Comments In wake of the resturn of two paintings stolenf rom a Potosí church, the Minister of Culture again annouced that they will be seeking the return of around 50k Bolivian heritage items in foreign countries.
Link http://www.opinion.com.bo/opinion/articulos/2015/0411/noticias.php?id=158003
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20150412075448/http://www.opinion.com.bo/opinion/articulos/2015/0411/noticias.php?id=158003