Uncontrolled Collecting: An Impulse Control Disorder?

Shirley Mueller (2016). Uncontrolled Collecting: An Impulse Control Disorder?. Physician's Money Digest. 5 May.

Title Uncontrolled Collecting: An Impulse Control Disorder?
Publication Date 5th May 2016
Source Physician's Money Digest
Country General
Region General
Art type Antiquities, Art
Subject Market
Comments "This is either because the prefrontal cortex itself is damaged or the drive to collect is so strong that it overpowers the expected function of the prefrontal cortex."
Link http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/columns/my-money-md/05-2016/uncontrolled-collecting-an-impulse-control-disorder
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20160506082740/http://www.hcplive.com/physicians-money-digest/columns/my-money-md/05-2016/uncontrolled-collecting-an-impulse-control-disorder