Tesoros en el mar peruano

(Treasures in the Peruvian Sea)

Óscar Miranda (2015). Tesoros en el mar peruano. La Republica. 13 December.

Title Tesoros en el mar peruano
Title (translated) Treasures in the Peruvian Sea
Publication Date 13th Dec 2015
Source La Republica
Country Peru
Region Americas
Art type Underwater
Subject Threat, Preservation
Comments Colombia is not the only Latin American country with sensitive underwater sites that face a threat of looting.
Link http://larepublica.pe/impresa/ocio-y-cultura/725438-tesoros-en-el-mar-peruano
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20151213172659/http://larepublica.pe/impresa/ocio-y-cultura/725438-tesoros-en-el-mar-peruano