Why France is dragging its feet to repatriate looted African artworks

Olivier Marbot (2020). Why France is dragging its feet to repatriate looted African artworks. The Africa Report. 6 February.

Title Why France is dragging its feet to repatriate looted African artworks
Publication Date 6th Feb 2020
Source The Africa Report
Country France, Nigeria
Region Europe, Africa
Art type Antiquities
Subject Theft, Return
Link https://www.theafricareport.com/23025/why-france-is-dragging-its-feet-to-repatriate-looted-african-artworks/
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20200206205341/https://www.theafricareport.com/23025/why-france-is-dragging-its-feet-to-repatriate-looted-african-artworks/