Daughter reveals motivation for Eddie Burrup art scandal

Victoria Laurie (2016). Daughter reveals motivation for Eddie Burrup art scandal. The Australian. 6 August.

Title Daughter reveals motivation for Eddie Burrup art scandal
Publication Date 6th Aug 2016
Source The Australian
Country Australia
Region Oceania
Art type Art
Subject Fakes
Comments Artist Elizabeth Durack was not an Aboriginal man named Eddie Burrup and her daughter feels that she wasn't 'channelling' him either. She saw it as an 'experiment' but not a hoax.
Link http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/nation/daughter-reveals-motivation-for-eddie-burrup-art-scandal/news-story/ec8c5582205d558aa78404499b067a8e?nk=52dcaf00468c2bcd4b380d0fddaab395-1470563958
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