Who flipped off security cam and then stole historic gun, tomahawk?

KBOI2 (2015). Who flipped off security cam and then stole historic gun, tomahawk?. KBOI2. 4 August.

Title Who flipped off security cam and then stole historic gun, tomahawk?
Publication Date 4th Aug 2015
Source KBOI2
Country United States of America
Region Americas
Art type Antiquities
Subject Theft
Comments The man made an obscene gesture at a security camera then stole a gun and a tomahawk from the Old Idaho Penitentiary Site museum.
Link http://www.kboi2.com/news/local/Security-Cam-Man-Stolen-Gun-320640582.html
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20150805101408/http://www.kboi2.com/news/local/Security-Cam-Man-Stolen-Gun-320640582.html