Pilfered paintings get digital recreation: Korean art kept overseas animated as part of new exhibit going on at DDP

Kim Hyung-Eun (2016). Pilfered paintings get digital recreation: Korean art kept overseas animated as part of new exhibit going on at DDP. Korea JoongAng Daily. 8 August.

Title Pilfered paintings get digital recreation: Korean art kept overseas animated as part of new exhibit going on at DDP
Publication Date 8th Aug 2016
Source Korea JoongAng Daily
Country South Korea
Region South and East Asia
Art type Art
Subject Fakes, Return, Theft
Comments An exhibition of digital recreations of paintings stolen during periods of foreign control or war.
Link http://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/article/article.aspx?aid=3022317&cloc=joongangdaily%7Chome%7Cnewslist2
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