Old law prevents preserving war sites

Imam Hossain (2016). Old law prevents preserving war sites. Prothom Alo. 18 March.

Title Old law prevents preserving war sites
Publication Date 18th Mar 2016
Source Prothom Alo
Country Bangladesh
Region South and East Asia
Art type Human Remains
Subject Preservation, Legislation
Comments The 1971 sites of torture and mass graves are too recent to be preserved under the law. Warning, very upsetting photos.
Link http://en.prothom-alo.com/bangladesh/news/99381/Old-law-prevents-preserving-war-sites
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20160328220543/http://en.prothom-alo.com/bangladesh/news/99381/Old-law-prevents-preserving-war-sites