What Germany's tough new law could mean for the antiquities market

Catherine Hickley (2016). What Germany's tough new law could mean for the antiquities market. The Art Newspaper. 27 June.

Title What Germany's tough new law could mean for the antiquities market
Publication Date 27th Jun 2016
Source The Art Newspaper
Country Germany
Region Europe
Art type Art, Antiquities
Subject Legislation
Comments One sector's unease about the law is another sector's joy. Laws regulating the illicit trade aren't meant to make potential illicit traders happy.
Link http://theartnewspaper.com/market/what-germany-s-tough-new-law-could-mean-for-the-antiquities-market-/
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20160628061931/http://theartnewspaper.com/market/what-germany-s-tough-new-law-could-mean-for-the-antiquities-market-/