Una expedición documenta los tesoros dejados por Odyssey

(An expedition to document the treasures left by Odyssey)

Joaquín Ferrandis (2015). Una expedición documenta los tesoros dejados por Odyssey. El País. 27 August.

Title Una expedición documenta los tesoros dejados por Odyssey
Title (translated) An expedition to document the treasures left by Odyssey
Publication Date 27th Aug 2015
Source El País
Country Spain
Region Europe
Art type Underwater
Subject Theft, Return
Comments I can say that Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes wreck was looted by Odyssey Marine as the court has awarded the objects found to the Spanish government. This project will look at what is let.
Link http://cultura.elpais.com/cultura/2015/08/26/actualidad/1440586773_247308.html
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20150827084641/http://cultura.elpais.com/cultura/2015/08/26/actualidad/1440586773_247308.html