Joyas prehispánicas a la deriva por falta de dinero para repatriarlas

(Prehispanic treasures left adrift due to a lack of money to repatriate them.)

Lorenzo Pirovano (2016). Joyas prehispánicas a la deriva por falta de dinero para repatriarlas. La Nación. 16 October.

Title Joyas prehispánicas a la deriva por falta de dinero para repatriarlas
Title (translated) Prehispanic treasures left adrift due to a lack of money to repatriate them.
Publication Date 16th Oct 2016
Source La Nación
Country Costa Rica
Region Americas
Art type Antiquities
Subject Theft, Return
Comments Just because an antiquity is returned to an embassy, doesn't mean that there is a budget to actually bring the piece home.