Copias de arte prehispánico son tan exactas que hacen dudar a traficantes

(Copies of Preshispanic art are so exact that they cast doubt on traffickers)

Hassel Fallas (2016). Copias de arte prehispánico son tan exactas que hacen dudar a traficantes. La Nación. 16 October.

Title Copias de arte prehispánico son tan exactas que hacen dudar a traficantes
Title (translated) Copies of Preshispanic art are so exact that they cast doubt on traffickers
Publication Date 16th Oct 2016
Source La Nación
Country Costa Rica
Region Americas
Art type Antiquities
Subject Fakes
Comments Unprovenanced Precolumbian antiquities are very likely to be fakes and there is no reasonable way to tell if they are not.