12 'Poorly Forged' Lee Ufan Paintings Spark Investigation in South Korea

Rain Embuscado (2016). 12 'Poorly Forged' Lee Ufan Paintings Spark Investigation in South Korea. ArtNet News. 19 February.

Title 12 'Poorly Forged' Lee Ufan Paintings Spark Investigation in South Korea
Publication Date 19th Feb 2016
Source ArtNet News
Country South Korea
Region South and East Asia
Art type Art
Subject Fakes
Comments "The artist released a statement this month announcing his intention to cooperate with authorities in the investigation."
Link https://news.artnet.com/people/forged-lee-ufan-paintings-south-korea-430631
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20160220091405/https://news.artnet.com/people/forged-lee-ufan-paintings-south-korea-430631