Heartwarming honesty of car boot punter sees stolen medieval brass returned to Lincolnshire church

East Lindsey Target (2015). Heartwarming honesty of car boot punter sees stolen medieval brass returned to Lincolnshire church. East Lindsey Target. 22 July.

Title Heartwarming honesty of car boot punter sees stolen medieval brass returned to Lincolnshire church
Publication Date 22nd Jul 2015
Source East Lindsey Target
Country United Kingdom
Region Europe
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Return
Comments The mediaeval brass lion lectern feet were stolen from All Saint's Church in Croft in 2008. A man bought them at a car boot sale, realised what they were, and returned them.
Link http://www.eastlindseytarget.co.uk/Heartwarming-honesty-car-boot-punter-sees-stolen/story-27457218-detail/story.html
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20150724074652/http://www.eastlindseytarget.co.uk/Heartwarming-honesty-car-boot-punter-sees-stolen/story-27457218-detail/story.html