कभी गायब होने के बाद खुद लौट आई थी मूर्ति, अब फिर से हुई चोरी

(Historical Idol Of Natraja Stolen From Chhattisgarh Temple)

Dainik Bhaskar (2016). कभी गायब होने के बाद खुद लौट आई थी मूर्ति, अब फिर से हुई चोरी. Dainik Bhaskar. 7 July.

Title कभी गायब होने के बाद खुद लौट आई थी मूर्ति, अब फिर से हुई चोरी
Title (translated) Historical Idol Of Natraja Stolen From Chhattisgarh Temple
Publication Date 7th Jul 2016
Source Dainik Bhaskar
Country India
Region South and East Asia
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Theft
Comments Two statues were stolen from the temple. Previously another statue had been stolen from there and returned.
Link http://www.bhaskar.com/news/c-16-1177595-ra0352-NOR.html
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20160708082826/http://www.bhaskar.com/news/c-16-1177595-ra0352-NOR.html