Police searching stolen vehicle finds 2nd century tomb in Bursa

Daily Sabah (2016). Police searching stolen vehicle finds 2nd century tomb in Bursa. Daily Sabah. 10 September.

Title Police searching stolen vehicle finds 2nd century tomb in Bursa
Publication Date 10th Sep 2016
Source Daily Sabah
Country Turkey
Region West and Central Asia
Art type Antiquities
Subject Theft, Preservation
Comments The police chanced upon a spectacular sarcophagus which appears to have been unearthed in illicit excavation. Perhaps moving the piece is why they stole the truck?
Link http://www.dailysabah.com/history/2016/09/10/police-searching-stolen-vehicle-finds-2nd-century-tomb-in-bursa
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20160911121015/http://www.dailysabah.com/history/2016/09/10/police-searching-stolen-vehicle-finds-2nd-century-tomb-in-bursa