28,000 Ancient Books Returned to China

CCTV (2014). 28,000 Ancient Books Returned to China. CCTV. 5 May.

Title 28,000 Ancient Books Returned to China
Publication Date 5th May 2014
Source CCTV
Country China, Japan
Region South and East Asia
Art type Documents, Antiquities
Subject Return
Comments Biggest overseas 'buy back' of ancient Chinese cultural objects yet. Bought by Peking Uni from a Japanese business group. The books will be digitised and shared publicly.
Link http://english.cntv.cn/2014/05/05/VIDE1399235759666461.shtml
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20140706170733/http://english.cntv.cn:80/2014/05/05/VIDE1399235759666461.shtml