Detenido el autor de un robo de piezas de plata en una parroquia de La Ribera

(Perpetrator of a robbery of silver object from a parsonage in La Ribera arrested)

Burgos Conecta (2015). Detenido el autor de un robo de piezas de plata en una parroquia de La Ribera. Burgos Conecta. 9 June.

Title Detenido el autor de un robo de piezas de plata en una parroquia de La Ribera
Title (translated) Perpetrator of a robbery of silver object from a parsonage in La Ribera arrested
Publication Date 9th Jun 2015
Source Burgos Conecta
Country Spain
Region Europe
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Theft, Arrest
Comments An individual was arrested when he tried to sell silver objects obviously stolen from a church to a jeweller. The 16th century pieces came from a parsonage in the village of Aranda de Duero.
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