3 tomb raiders die from lack of air while attempting to rob ancient grave in central China

Associated Press (2015). 3 tomb raiders die from lack of air while attempting to rob ancient grave in central China. Fox. 30 September.

Title 3 tomb raiders die from lack of air while attempting to rob ancient grave in central China
Publication Date 30th Sep 2015
Source Fox
Country China
Region South and East Asia
Art type Antiquities
Subject Theft, Threat
Comments The human cost of the antiquities trade. Three of the five people robbing the tomb near Chengjiao, Yiyang.
Link http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/09/30/3-tomb-raiders-die-from-lack-air-while-attempting-to-rob-ancient-grave-in/
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20150930105419/http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/09/30/3-tomb-raiders-die-from-lack-air-while-attempting-to-rob-ancient-grave-in/