Osuna restaurará el acueducto saqueado y pedirá a la Junta que lo declare BIC

(Osuna to restore the aqueduct looted for stone and the Junta will declare it BIC)

Andalucía Centro (2016). Osuna restaurará el acueducto saqueado y pedirá a la Junta que lo declare BIC. Andalucía Centro. 1 March.

Title Osuna restaurará el acueducto saqueado y pedirá a la Junta que lo declare BIC
Title (translated) Osuna to restore the aqueduct looted for stone and the Junta will declare it BIC
Publication Date 1st Mar 2016
Source Andalucía Centro
Country Spain
Region Europe
Art type Antiquities
Subject Theft, Destruction, Preservation
Comments The unique first century hydraulic work had been damaged by block looters.
Link http://www.andaluciacentro.com/sevilla/osuna/osuna/4682/osuna-restaurara-el-acueducto-saqueado-y-pedira-a-la-junta-que-lo-declare-bic
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20160303193722/http://www.andaluciacentro.com/sevilla/osuna/osuna/4682/osuna-restaurara-el-acueducto-saqueado-y-pedira-a-la-junta-que-lo-declare-bic