मंदिर से दो मूर्तियां चोरी

(Two statues stolen from temple)

Amar Ujala (2015). मंदिर से दो मूर्तियां चोरी. Amar Ujala. 24 December.

Title मंदिर से दो मूर्तियां चोरी
Title (translated) Two statues stolen from temple
Publication Date 24th Dec 2015
Source Amar Ujala
Country India
Region South and East Asia
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Theft
Comments Speculation that the theft is related to a land dispute.
Link http://www.amarujala.com/news/city/jaunpur/jaunpur-crime-news/two-statues-of-temple-theft-hindi-news/
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20151225000153/http://www.amarujala.com/news/city/jaunpur/jaunpur-crime-news/two-statues-of-temple-theft-hindi-news/