'The toilets were absolutely full of crucifixes': Two elderly people arrested over theft of religious items

AFP (2016). 'The toilets were absolutely full of crucifixes': Two elderly people arrested over theft of religious items. The Journal. 6 March.

Title 'The toilets were absolutely full of crucifixes': Two elderly people arrested over theft of religious items
Publication Date 6th Mar 2016
Source The Journal
Country France
Region Europe
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Theft, Arrest
Comments The two seniors seem to have had complex motivations for their church theft spree.
Link http://www.thejournal.ie/france-elderly-people-church-objects-stolen-2648386-Mar2016/
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20160309095206/http://www.thejournal.ie/france-elderly-people-church-objects-stolen-2648386-Mar2016/