Un preso fugado es detenido tras intentar vender dos valiosas reliquias de una iglesia de Morón

(Escaped prisoner arrested trying to steal two precious relics from the church of Morón)

ABC España (2015). Un preso fugado es detenido tras intentar vender dos valiosas reliquias de una iglesia de Morón. ABC España. 17 October.

Title Un preso fugado es detenido tras intentar vender dos valiosas reliquias de una iglesia de Morón
Title (translated) Escaped prisoner arrested trying to steal two precious relics from the church of Morón
Publication Date 17th Oct 2015
Source ABC España
Country Spain
Region Europe
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Theft, Return
Comments The dagger and reliquary with a bone of Saint Ramón Nonato were taken from the parish church of La Merced de Morón.
Link http://sevilla.abc.es/provincia/20151017/sevi-reliquias-iglesia-moron-201510170924.html
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