Kanagawa officials turn to police after failing to locate Munakata woodblock print replaced with a photocopy

The Japan Times (2017). Kanagawa officials turn to police after failing to locate Munakata woodblock print replaced with a photocopy. The Japan Times. 18 April.

Title Kanagawa officials turn to police after failing to locate Munakata woodblock print replaced with a photocopy
Publication Date 18th Apr 2017
Source The Japan Times
Country Japan
Region South and East Asia
Art type Art
Subject Theft, Fakes
Comments The piece was discovered missing three years ago, it had been commissioned by the prefectural government.
Link http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/04/18/national/kanagawa-officials-turn-police-failing-locate-munakata-woodblock-print-replaced-photocopy/
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20170418130545/http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/04/18/national/kanagawa-officials-turn-police-failing-locate-munakata-woodblock-print-replaced-photocopy/#.WPZiblBtl25