Kader Attia accuses Universal Music of plagiarism over French rap video

Anny Shaw (2016). Kader Attia accuses Universal Music of plagiarism over French rap video. The Art Newspaper. 8 December.

Title Kader Attia accuses Universal Music of plagiarism over French rap video
Publication Date 8th Dec 2016
Source The Art Newspaper
Country France
Region Europe
Art type Art
Subject Theft
Comments "One artist's plagiarism is another's sampling and yet another's Appropriation Art and today we may even call it reblogging, retweeting or even sharing."
Link http://theartnewspaper.com/news/news/kader-attia-accuses-universal-music-of-plagiarism-over-french-rap-video/
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20161208182918/http://theartnewspaper.com/news/news/kader-attia-accuses-universal-music-of-plagiarism-over-french-rap-video/